The dream.
I was at noon Mass
and about to receive communion. I cupped my hands and made a throne
to receive the Blessed Sacrament. The priest raised the host up high
and said, “The Body of Christ.” My eyes locked on the Precious
host in my hand, I said, “Amen.”
I stepped away to to
consume The Body and I averted my gaze for a moment-- perhaps I
blinked. The next thing I saw was in my hand a hunk of true flesh.
I stopped. I didn't know what was happening nor what I was supposed
to do. I said to myself, am I supposed to consume this? Am I
supposed to show someone? I stumbled toward the steps leading up to
the Sanctuary before I fell to my knees, still staring in awe at the
flesh in my hands. Bewildered I began to panic, wondering if I was
imagining this or if I was losing my mind. Was this really
happening? Could anyone else see this? I heard someone exclaim,
“get the Bishop-- now!”
Then our Lord
appeared in front of me. He was kneeling down and facing me. He was
holding my hands as I began to weep. I looked into His eyes and
said, “Are you coming? Are you coming back?” He never moved His
gaze from my face as He answered me. “No. Not yet.” I was
still crying. I didn't know what to say- what to ask- what to do.
Still looking into my face He said, “tell anyone about this who
asks.” I just nodded.
Then He said I would
receive the gift of the Stigmata. By this time the Bishop was there.
The Lord said to me that my Bishop and my Priest would watch after me-- they would know what to do. I looked at them, tears
still streaming down my face. Then I looked back to the Lord, who's
gaze was still fixed on me. Then He was gone.
The flesh had taken
back the appearance of bread.
the dream was over.